Making the Tough Call
Helping Mandated Reporters Meet the Challenges of their Legal and Ethical Obligations
The goal of Making the Tough Call is to provide useful information, resources and training to help professional reporters of suspected child maltreatment navigate their legal & ethical responsibilities.
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Making the Tough Call aims to educate and inform professional reporters of suspected child abuse and neglect so that they are prepared to intervene to protect children when necessary, while respecting and supporting family integrity wherever possible.
Making the Tough Call is a project of Krase Consulting.
Kathryn Krase, Ph.D., J.D., M.S.W., Principal Consultant with Krase Consultant, is an expert on the professional reporting of suspected child maltreatment. She has authored multiple books and articles on the subject. She has years of experience consulting with government and community based organizations to develop policy & practice standards.